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MCC Daily Tribune

Daily Dining Service

Check out our 24 hour vending machines at Tiberius Grill!:

  • Costa Coffee - offering hot specialty coffee, espresso, chai, hot chocolate and more! Customize your own beverage
  • "Vicki" Food Machine - offering our Simply to Go fresh foods and beverages
  • Just Baked  - offering hot food 24/7

Deja Brew – Brighton, 7:30 am to 2 pm:

  • Pesto Grinder
  • Premium Chicken Salad
  • Herbed Egg Salad Croissant

Drink Specials:

  • Feature Drinks: Iced Jamaican Me Crazy and Snicker Doodle Latte
  • Seasonal: Hot Apple Cider, Hot or Cold Candied Apple Cider, Apple Chai

Deja Brew – Downtown, 8 am to 1 pm:

  • Italian Caesar Salad
  • Southwest Turkey Wrap
  • Ham and Swiss Melt on Rye

Drink Specials:

  • Pumpkin Latte

Note: Menu items are subject to change.

Justin Leenhouts
MCC Association, Inc.

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